To work with our service users to assist them in living independently and encourage them to develop their skills and confidence to maintain their tenancy and live fuller lives within our community. Every person will be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their circumstances.
Floating Support
Our Primary Goal
What is Floating Housing Support?
Floating Housing Support is a time limited service that provides housing related support to adults with a range of needs to establish and maintain their own tenancies in the community. The service focuses on individuals facing a range of challenges including for some of them multiple and complex needs. The service is registered with the Care Inspectorate.
How does it work?
Referrals for the Floating Housing Support service come from Perth & Kinross Council.
What we do
Everyone in the team is fully qualified and has a vast knowledge, experience and skills base to suit the needs of our service users. We will provide professional help and advice in many different areas, such as:
- Setting up a New Home
- Fuel Supplies (Gas, Electric)
- Direct Debits (Bills)
- Rent Arrears
- Grants, Benefits, Budgeting and Debts
- Physical & Mental Health
- Accessing Local Services
- Accessing Training, Education, Volunteering Employment and Social Activities
- Gate Keeping Skills
By working compassionately and in agreement with our service users to creating a realistic plan, we can achieve and maintain a healthy positive relationship which will empower our service users to move forward in their lives.
The support we provide is planned and reviewed to develop independence.
Self-Directed Support (SDS)
Self-Directed Support is a long term support service which often follows on from a period of Floating Housing Support if Service Users have ongoing support needs.
This service is not time limited. Following an assessment from the Perth and Kinross Council Access Team the service user will be allocated a set amount of time each week for support, however this support is means tested and may involve a contribution from the Service User.
Within this service the CATH SDS Team would regularly give support with such things as reading of mail, assisting with making and attending appointments, assisting with shopping, enabling service users to go outside and empowering them to engage with groups in the community.