Lockdown Creativity which began at Cath Daycentre.

The creativity – The Butterfly Project- The butterfly symbolizes endurance, change hope and life .

The objective of this activity is to reach out to staff, family and service users and give them the opportunity to get involved with an artistic project inclusive to everyone. It’s a chance for people to get engaged in a safe and simple way.

Over a hundred butterflies have been returned so far and these will be pinned to the display board in due course. This is an evolving project and the outcome will create a colourful uplifting visual display which has been possible due to many people taking part.

Anyone who wishes to get involved can pick up a printed sheet from the day centre.
Butterflies can also be created at home safely from scratch if anyone chooses to do so. Also we have created a pdf file for anyone who has a printer at home.

Download (PDF, 394KB)